Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Ahora que tan recientemente la sonda espacial, New Horizonz se acercó al planeta Plutón y al que los científicos decidieron quitarle la categoría de planeta y clasificarlo en una escala menor debido a sus características, pareciese que en realidad se cumpliese una profecía mitológica al colocarlo en el plano de un inframundo planetario.

Para la mitología griega, Plutón es otro nombre del dios Hades, a quien por su parte Pluto, el dios de la Abundancia, enviaba a la gente rica que no sabía utilizar sus bienes y riquezas privándolos de la vista, convirtiéndolos en ciegos eternamente.

Plutón empero, Rey del Averno, gozaba de grandes riquezas, de ahí que se haya generado la confusión con Pluto, quien es el dios de la abundancia, y  ciertamente éste último, es decir, Pluto no es Hades ni el Rey del Averno.

Ahora bien, para la mitología romana, Plutón era considerado dios del inframundo y de las riquezas, de donde se puede afirmar que este dios romano fundió en un solo ser mitológico los dones de los dioses griegos Pluto y Plutón y es en él en quien incluso, la astrología moderna establece sus parámetros de influencia astral, caracterizado principalmente por una permanente lucha del poder, que se explica por la eterna órbita de su satélite mayor Caronte y el propio Plutón que se atraen recíprocamente, siendo el planeta regente del signo Escorpio.

Por su parte, Caronte el eterno rival en la lucha de poder con Plutón, para la mitología griega, es un barquero mítico cuyo trabajo era llevar a las almas navegando sobre los ríos del Hades y se le debía pagar un óbolo, por cuya razón tanto griegos, como romanos colocaban una moneda en la boca de sus muertos para que pudiesen ser transportados. Algunos expertos han teorizado en el sentido de que Caronte en realidad es un dios de origen etrusco, ya que dicho pueblo concebía a un dios con el nombre de Carún que también tenía tareas semejantes a las de Caronte.

Paradójico resulta entonces, que Caronte y Plutón fuesen rivales de poder cuando el primero era el transportador de almas al Averno y Hades, su rey, quien las recibía bajo un tácito dualismo de cooperación.


Copyright por Ricardo Palma Herrera.

Friday, July 24, 2015

The Witchcraft and it´s Symbols, . . .Transmutation

 The Witchcraft and it’s Symbols


What symbols have to do with witchcraft? The reader will wonder immediately.
Well, the symbols are, in a first sense and according to the dictionary of the Spanish language, the elements or material objects that, by convention or association, are regarded representative of an entity, an idea, a certain condition. For example, the flag is a symbol of the country; a dove is a symbol of peace, and so on.

However, symbols can be integrated or be formed in various ways and therefore it's possible conceive an image like a symbol, an object, a text, an animal, a tree, a grass, a mineral, a star, water or any other  thing that connect disparate  issues  that only the mind can create in a conscious state and even in dreams, fantasies, immersed in religious or pagan beliefs and that have been created by the different peoples and cultures throughout the course of mankind, from life in caves until today. So, witchcraft is not without its symbols and the symbolism. Nevertheless, what is witchcraft?

By definition, witchcraft is a superstition and deceit that is commonly believed that witches practice and the sorcerer or witch are those superstitious people or deceptive of which are believed to have pact with the devil and have a set of magical or superstitious practices. The shaman, on the other hand, is a sorcerer from who supposed endowed with supernatural powers to heal the sick, guess, summoning spirits, and so forth, but it seems that between them, the difference is that the witch practices trickery, the shaman, magic white or good.

In witchcraft, the transmutation is a symbol "per se" result of the process of changing entities, acquiring the new entity the meaning of the symbolism to pretend represent. The transmutation is defined as the action and effect of transmute and transmutation, simply as convert.

 However, from an esoteric philosophical point of view, the transmutation has a transcendent dimension, but always remains the essence of being and is a symbol of changing psyche and coincident psychology of altered states of consciousness, as it called modern psychology.

It is the exchange of continuous change and that is its magic, like shamans, witches or geniuses.

It is a misleading mixture of the being with the converted and so all kinds of creatures can be symbolized, conceived only by the irrational psyche like Satan or gods, such as Vishnu or Krishna as they assumed different "personalities" or "forms".

One of the most notable features of the witchcraft is the symbolism of which is surrounded and each symbol has a meaning and sometimes is the result of the process of transmutation.

From a common view, that is, it considered the application of certain practices to an end either good for the patient or for worse, against third parties, is where such practices or trickery are potentially conceptualizer in the psyche of their existence or their effects and whether it is to do evil, witchcraft symbols may be detectable if they are known depending on the place, region, customs and popularity.

For example, it is very common in Mexico to use land cemetery that is already on sale in small bags labeled "Cemetery Land" and used, among many purposes pretended by this pseudo-science, primarily to dominate or to cause great evils anyone, ranging from ruin, nail tearing the family unit, diseases and so on. Its practice develops essentially filling a ragdoll with the land of cemetery that it is believed to have bad energies or parasitic or malignant astral entities.

It is labeled the ragdoll with the name of the person to whom it is addressed the spell and must be pierced it with three pins, one in the front, one in the abdomen and the last one at heart. Done this, it´s necessary await until at three in the morning, preferably on Tuesday waning moon and pronounce the incantantion: "You'll always be my slave and nothing can get away from me and only I can master to you"

As noted, the symbol of witchcraft is in our example, both the rag doll, as the land of cemetery that only by work of the irrational psyche it is able to represent some meaning and to work as intermediary between the evil and the ragdoll maker and to who represent. In other words, an energetic transmutation.

Ricardo Palma Herrera.
